So - this week's theme, is The Golden Age!
Or vintage week, or 1950's week, whatever you want to call it!
There was a suggestion on the Pet Society forum :
'It's All About Vintage Week, 1950's the Glory of Fashion," by BettyLazue. ♥
BettyLazue is a superb designer and I must say I'm a tad bit disappointed
her actual clothing designs weren't implemented into the game too.
Click the heart to view the actual thread.
So, moving on - what are your favourite items this week's theme?
Are you even a fan of the theme?
Share it with me! I'd love to hear other's suggestions.
For Lady and I, our favourite items are surely these ;
The new mystery bundles are really cute as well,
especially the plaid outfit. And the new MPC* is really cute.
For more information on this week's theme and if you haven't already done this,
visit the Pet Society Blog! ♥
*MPC stands for Mon Petit Cheri
My favorite item this week is definitely the hat machine! I can't wait to complete the quest and receive it! :)